Monday, February 22, 2010

My new bamboo steamer - dumplings

As i mentioned i treated myself to a few kitchen accessories for Valentines day - better than jewelry these days, and one of the things i got myself was a bamboo steamer. I've always been curious about these things - apparently you can stack them and make a whole meal by putting the ingredients on different levels. I wasn't quite ready for that kind of ambitious cooking, so i simply got one with one level, figuring i could always buy another level if i felt so inclined.

I decided that one of the first things i was going to try making was dumplings. I really like them, and had mainly had them pan fried. I thought i would try a healthier way of making them. While i was at the grocery store they had so many types of dumplings, most of them containing pork, but i thought i would play it safe and get some vegetarian ones. The first kind i got was a mushroom mixture and the other simply a veggie one, which seemed to have leeks, cabbage and carrots.

In all of my internet research i noticed that they recommended you put something - either greens or parchment paper down to prevent sticking. I actually had a bit of parchment paper left so i thought i would use that. I put an inch of water in a pot that the steamer could fit into and brought it to a boil, once it was boiling i put in the steamer. This is actually kinda difficult because it is quite hot, i used some tongs, and put the basket in first, then the lid. The package said between five and six minutes. When the time was up i removed them and served them with simply soy sauce. They were awesome!!!

You know when you enjoy something so much you want it again right away - these little dumplings were like that! A day later i decided to try them again, but thought i would pan fry them. I put a bit of olive oil in a non stick skillet and heated it up, adding the dumplings when a drop of water sizzled. This was actually a really messy process, and i got a sweet oil burn on my right wrist in the process!!! Eating them, i actually thought that the steamed ones were better!!! I mean i love fried things, and maybe the burn had something to do with it, but really i think i will be steaming them from now on!

Both of the types of dumplings i bought were both really good, and i don't think i had a preference. It was nice to have two different kinds, sort of kept it from getting repetitive. Yeah Dumplings!

I'm looking forward to more dumplings and more steamer recipes!


My steamer
Fresh out of the steam

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