Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Asparagas and Panchetta App

I still had some of the panchetta left over from eric's carbonara. I put some of it in my frittata, but to be honest it was just lost in the flavours. I had recently purchased some really tasty and inexpensive asparagus, and remembered once an appetizer i had seen at a catering event, and thought i would try and recreate it.

I simply broke off the wooden ends of the asparagus, which is the best way to do it because it naturally breaks off where the tough ends finish off. I then wrapped each piece of asparagus with a piece of the panchetta, then put it into a baking dish. I drizzled it with some olive oil and finished it with salt and pepper. I cooked it at 350 degrees for about ten minutes. The tops of the asparagus were slightly brown and wilted, but the asparagus was still crisp. The panchetta was crisp, but not overdone.

I had almost added some balsamic which i really enjoy with asparagus, and is my usual marinade when i'm grilling or baking asparagus. I'm glad i didn't because once i tasted the final product i realized that balsamic would have overwhelmed the flavour.

This is actually a very nice appetizer, it looks really appealing, and you can simply prepare it ahead of time. I also think they would taste nice once they cooled off, but to be honest they didn't last long enough to cool down


Forgive the overindulgent photography, there weren't a lot of steps or ingredients so i didn't have a whole lot of steps to take pictures of.

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