Monday, February 8, 2010

Double Duty - Hard boiled eggs

Sometimes on sunday i will hard-boil a few eggs for the week since you can use them in a lot of ways, they are a good source of protein, and they travel pretty well. It took me a little while to really master hardboiling eggs- there are so many different opinions on how its done. This is how i do it, but if you have your own method go ahead. The only thing i think is a universal rule - use older eggs.

I put the eggs in a heavy pot, just covering them with cold water. I cover partially and bring to a rolling boil, then drop the temp to low, cover and leave on the stove for 30 seconds. I then remove it from the heat and sit covered for 15 minutes. Then i remove them and put them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

Once they were done, i made two different things with them. A curry egg salad sandwich and a spinach and hard-boiled egg for a work lunch. I only recently discovered i liked egg salad, as they only times i had tried it had been pure mayo and salt. Yuk. Plus the texture, it was so processed, i didn't even think it was eggs. I don't really follow the traditional egg salad rules, i make it a lot of different ways depending on what i have in the fridge or whether i'm serving it as a sandwich or on top of a salad.

Since i chopped carrots and green onion for the salad, i just diced them finer for the egg mixture. I usually use half as much yolk as whites. I start with just the yolk, mashing it with whatever i intend to use in the dressing; in this case, mayo, mustard, cracked pepper, curry powder and some red chili flakes. Once i had made a paste i added the chopped whites, mashing them just a little and i incorporated them. I then added the veggies for a bit of crunch.


Lunch is ready
Egg Salad Sandwich
Eggs in the ice bath
Yolk mixture
Ingredients for the egg salad

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