Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ribs dinner

It was my bf's bday, and i thought as a treat i would make him ribs since recently he had been talking about them. It was a weekday, so i started the ribs before i left in the morning for work. Because of that i thought i would make some simpler sides and keep myself from slaving over the stove when i got home. I thought i would make coleslaw (since i always like it with pork) and asparagus (his fav).

Unfortunately things do not always go quite as planned, and he ended up having drinks after work, so by the time we got to the ribs they were almost beyond fall off the bone. (if that's possible)
I made a hollandiase for the asparagus.

1 comment:

  1. The ribs we had were the best I have ever had. Fall off the bone ribs, nothing gets better then that.
