The person i cook for the most of, excluding myself is eric, unfortunately he doesn't like mushrooms, and since a lot of my favorites involve them, i don't get the opportunity to cook them as much as i'd like. In particular, one of my family favorites is mushrooms on toast. (see Family Favorites) I only end up eating them with my family, but considering how easy there are, and since i had a bunch of left over mushrooms from my hot pot experiement, i thought i would treat myself with a nice sautrday dinner of one of my favorites.
This is quite an easy recipe, and you can really put a lot of it together before you cook it, and finish off the whole dish in like ten minutes. I usually serve a caesar salad with it, but for one that seemed a little too much work, so i used some of the last of the asparagus and tossed it with olive oil and balsamic, and baked it while i cooked the mushrooms.
I honesty usually use regular cremini or buttom mushroms and it is delicious just like that, but since i had all those exotic mushrooms i used them.
Mushrooms on Toast
2 lbs of mushrooms - use whatever kind you want, the smaller the better, or cut them
2 tbs of olive oil
2 cloves of garil chopped
Combine these together and you can let them sit for a while or cook right away. The original recipe calls for parsley, but i HATE parsley so i omit it.
Heat a little butter in a skillet and when melted add the mushrooms, cook for about 5 mintues until they begin to liquidfy. Add the juice of a lemon, 1 to 2 tbsp of red wine vinegar and a handful of chopped cilantro.
At this point i usually throw the bread into the toaster, usually dark rye of pumpernickle, something that can stand up to some moisture
Cook the mushrooms for another five minutes. Don't cook it until all the liquid has evaporated, part of what makes this good is the sauce! Once ready, place the toast on the plate and top with mushrooms and sauce.
Voila - mushrooms on toast!
Saturday night dinner
The ingredients (ignore the bok choy - that's another entry)
Adding the lemon juice
Putting the mushrooms on the toast.
Mmmmmm Mushrooms on toast!